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10 Tips for National Spoil Your Dog Day - August 10th

10 Tips for National Spoil Your Dog Day - August 10th

National Spoil Your Dog Day occurs yearly on August 10th and is a day just for you and fido. Shower them with love, attention, fun goodies, and new activities all day long. Remember your dog’s favorite thing in the world is the time they spend with you. While a new toy would be great, you don’t need to spend any money. Consider upcycling an old toy from the bottom of the toy bin. Or find a new place to play fetch with that old stick.
If you are looking for fun ways to celebrate National Spoil Your Dog Day with man’s best friend, we have you covered!

1. Make Healthy Homemade Treats
Spice things up in the treat cabinet with some homemade treats. Fido can even lick the bowl! Gather fidos favorites and get baking. For some inspiration, check out some awesome Instagram-ready treats from our friends at West Paw.

2. Get Out and Play
Spend some extra time playing with fido today and play fetch as much as their heart desires. Consider introducing a new game, like Frisbee or Hide-and-Seek.

3. Take Your Pup to the Beach
What’s better than a quick beach break with fido in the Dog Days of Summer? Let your furry friend enjoy the water on their paws and the summer rays on their snout while digging to their heart’s content. You can even keep it local with some lakeside beaches.

4. Explore A New Place
There is no need to travel far to take a quick trip with fido. Try taking a walk, hike, or picnic together in a place you’ve never visited. A quick google search of your area will reveal state parks, as well as hiking and walking trails that are pet friendly. Be sure to pack plenty of water for both of you during your trip.

5. Get a frozen treat
Make a pit stop at your local Starbucks for a pup-cup, or a local ice cream or frozen yogurt parlor that serves up dog-friendly treats.

6. Pick out a new Toy
What better way to spoil fido than a new toy, and better yet if you take it on an adventure? But remember, you don’t have to spend money, you can always up-cycle an old toy from the bottom of the toy bin, for an all-new playtime.

7. Take some selfies
With a day full of activities, and such a happy puppy, remember to stop and take a few pictures. Even try the Portrait feature on modern phones. You’ll want to remember the day with fido.

8. Watch a Fido Themed Movie
Watch a Fido-themed film! If you and your dog are in the mood for a canine comedy, try Beethoven, The Secret Life of Pets, Hotel for Dogs or Cats & Dogs. If you want to cheer on the canines on screen, watch Homeward Bound, Air Bud, or One Hundred and One Dalmatians.

9. Spa Day
Give fido that much-needed massage, just like human athletes, dogs, can benefit from a pre-workout warm-up. A gentle massage stimulates circulation; increases blood supply to joints, muscles, and nerves; and can even help prevent injury and post-workout soreness.

10. Road Trip - Windows Down
Hit the road for some window-down fun. Whether it’s too hot for an outside adventure, or fido doesn’t quite have the mobility they use to. Most dogs just love the excitement of a Road Trip.

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